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EHA 2022 (European Hematology Association) - Annual Meeting

Updated: Jun 13, 2022


  • The European Hematology Association Annual 2022 Meeting is taking place from June 9-12, 2022 virtually and in-person in Vienna, Austria

  • EHA is an important event for biotech investors interested in blood cancers and diseases

  • Abstracts were released May 12, 2022, but additional data will not be provided before the congress begins

  • BPIQ monitors info re: EHA from smid-cap biopharma companies (smid-caps) to identify those that are presenting clinical data

  • Table 1 lists details for some of the important smid-cap biopharma clinical updates at EHA22.

  • See our Full forum post for more info on these companies and corresponding presentations

  • Added 6/9/22 - Friday oral presentation and investor call times

  • Saturday presentation times added 6/10/22

  • Updated 6/13 to includ final meeting moves

EHA 2022

The European Hematology Association 2022 Congress (EHA 2022) takes place from June 9-12, 2022 as a hybrid congress; both online and in-person in Vienna, Austria. On-demand content is made available on the congress platform starting June 20 and the EHA2022 virtual thematic days take place from June 15-17, 2022. "EHA provides latest hematology news including 'Cutting-edge evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment...Highly anticipated clinical and translational research data'” ( Posters will be made available Friday June 10 at 10:30am EST. BPIQ monitors info regarding EHA presentations from smid-cap biopharma companies from many sources to identify for you, those companies and presentations that are clinical trial data updates and those trials that are most likely to be stock movers. We compiled this info in our BPIQ EHA 2022 Smid-Cap Biopharma Clinical Update Table (subscribe to see this table in our Full forum post). We continue to monitor EHA-related info related to smid-cap bipharma clinical trials to update our EHA 2022 table.


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Embargo Policy

While abstracts were released on May 12, “the embargo for presidential symposium presentations is lifted at the start of the Presidential Symposium; Saturday, June 11, 14:45 CEST, unless the abstract is part of an official EHA Press Briefing in which case the embargo lifts on the date and time of the Press Briefing (if earlier).” ( The embargo is lifted on June 10 for oral presentation abstracts and Poster presentations, and the embargo is lifted on June 12 for late-breaking oral presentations. Up until these dates, only the data in the abstracts is allowed to be announced.

Those first days of the conference are then very important days as companies are finally allowed to release further data. See more about the embargo policy from EHA 2021 and the subsequent stock changes HERE.

Companies with clinical presentations

Table 1 (see below) shows smid-cap biopharma companies which are presenting clinical data at EHA 2022 along with information about the assets. Thus far we have identified 24 smid-cap companies that we believe are presenting clinical data updates at EHA. The clinical assets being studied in these clinical trials include cancer biologics to treat blood disorders and cancers, such as antibody therapies and cell therapies, cancer vaccines, as well as oral small molecules. At least 16 of these companies appear to be presenting new clinical efficacy data.

We continue to search our database, company press releases, and EHA titles to determine if the clinical data being presented at EHA 2022 by a company is new, how stocks moved with previous efficacy data from trials, and if presentations will include efficacy data. Those companies with efficacy data are more likely to see larger stock moves. Our BPIQ Pro includes a link to a Google Sheet with detailed info of these 24 companies presenting clinical updates at EHA. The table includes information about what data will be presented, prior data for this clinical asset in this indication, associated stock moves, if there is an associated investor event, and if these clinical readouts are BPIQ Suspected Movers to Watch for June 2022. We will continue to update the table as more info becomes available.

Table 1 Some noteworthy smid-cap biopharma presentations at EHA 2022

Most noteworthy presentations

One indicator of a noteworthy clinical update that is more likely to be a stock mover, is if a company holds an investor event on the date of the EHA presentation. So far (as of 6/8/22) the smid-cap biopharma companies we have identified that are holding investor events on the day of their EHA presentations are AUTL, FULC, and AGIO. Furthermore, our BPIQ EHA 2022 Smid-Cap Clinical Updates Table for subscribers identifies presentations that correlate with clinical readouts that we have identified as Big Mover or Suspected Movers to Watch events.

Our associated company, Amp, is currently digging into the details more to confirm, or remove, some of these Big Movers/Movers to Watch designations based on this deeper analysis. Finally, our associated biopharma analysis company, Amp Biotech Research (Amp), will be adding its comments/views to the table as well, in the coming days. Thus, check back regularly as we update this EHA post and table with more info on these companies, and get ready for conference posters to be released on Friday at 10:30am EST. Our intent is that this EHA information will help you as you decide which companies/presentation to diligence. Remember, EHA presentations are no different than most catalyst report-outs in that they more of them tend to be seen by investors as negative readouts than positive readouts. Thus, either play them with a bearish stock trade, or try to pick the winners with bullish trades. At Amp, for companies for which we are long-term bulls, in our Run-Up account we plan to pull back some of our positions ahead of the EHA readouts. Good luck!

Post abstract moves

See the subscribers table in our Full forum post for extra info including moves since before abstracts were released on May 12, 2022.

Presentations on Friday 6/10/22:

(Updated 6/9)

6/10 Oral presentation:

$ADCT 11:45 am – 12:00 pm CEST (5:45 am – 6 am EDT)

6/10 Investor call:


Ph2 #ADCT (CD20)

Presentations on Saturday 6/11/22:

(Updated 6/10)

6/11 Oral presentation:

$AUTL 5:30am EST

$MBIO 5:30am EST

$MEIP 5:30am EST

$MOR 5:30am EST

$SRRA 5:30am EST

$APLS 5:30am EST

$CRIS 10:30 am EST

$CRSP 10:30am EST

$JAZZ 10:30am EST

Ph1 #CRSP (CD70) #AUTL (CD19) Ph1/2 #CRIS (IRAK4) #MBIO (CD20) Ph2 #MEIP (PI3K) Ph2/3 #MOR (BET) Ph3 #SRRA (JAK1/2 & ACVR1) #APLS (C3) #JAZZ (chemo)

Presentations on Sunday 6/12/22:

6/12 Oral presentations:

$GBT 5:30am EST

$GRCL 5:30am EST

$LEGN 10:30am EST

Ph1 #GRCL (CD19) #GBT (hemoglobin affinity) Ph1/2 #LEGN (BCMA)

Updated 6/13/2022

EHA concluded yesterday, Sunday 6/12/22, and many smid-cap biopharmas saw large stock moves over the weekend. Table 2 shows the top five positive moves and Table 3 shows the top five negative moves from before abstract release. See our Full forum post for all of the company moves from before abstracts were released to the concluding day of EHA as well as moves from over the weekend.

Table 2. Top EHA moves (top 5 positive moves from May 2 - June 13)

Table 3. Top EHA moves (top 5 negative moves from May 2 - June 13)


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