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CBIO 1st Efficacy Results For MarzAA In HemA This Week

First efficacy data readout coming on July 18, 2018 for MarzAA.

High risk event, but encouraging that press release indicates "demonstrating the efficacy" of MarzAA in HemA.

$CBIO high risk 1st efficacy trial in humans for subQ MarzAA (Factor VIIA)in Hemophilia A on 7/18/18 at scientific meeting. Looking forward to data. Encouraging that press release indicates "demonstrating the efficacy" of MarzAA in Hem A.

Additional disclosure: This post, like all our posts, is not investment advice. We have small position in CBIO going into event as seemingly lower risk due to press release statement. However, we are not committed to CBIO long-term until we see this data.

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