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Amp Bioresearch Premium
led by: Manny Vacchiano, JD, PhD
annually (20%off)
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Amp Helps Investors Find Smid-Cap Biopharma Top Picks
Our main goal is to provide small and mid-cap biopharma stock picks (smid-caps) that will help you make money
We are led by Manny Vacchiano, JD, PhD, who has been investing in smid-caps since the 1990s
Try our 1 Week Free Trial so you can check us out before you commit
Our Core portfolio is focused on smid-caps that in our view are most likely to provide outsized returns over a 1-2 year time frame
Plus you get all the features of BPIQ Pro - Catalyst Calendar, Pipeline Screener, Big Mover stocks to watch, Drug IQ cards, & more!
What You Get As An Amp Member
At least 1 smid-cap biopharma pick every month, that in our view has an excellent chance for share growth in 2 years or less
Access to our Amp Core model portfolio (emphasis on smid-cap biopharma with outsized return potential in 1-2 years)
Access to our Amp Run-Up model portfolio (emphasis on playing smid-cap biopharma in months leading up to a big-mover event)
Access to our private Twitter feed where we provide notifications when we buy/sell and other biopharma trading updates.
Articles and forum posts with further insights for biopharma investors
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How You Can Use The Amp Membership
Get new company/investment ideas for your own portfolios.
Jumpstart your own diligence with our analysis articles.
Get another perspective with Amp’s thoughts/investments/trades.
You can even mimic the Amp portfolios with low/no diligence on your end.
How Have Amp’s Portfolios Performed?
Our Core portfolio outperformed XBI in 2022.
Our Core’s best year was 2019 with a 34% return.
Our Core outperformed XBI in 2 of the last 3 years since our launch